Watauga TX
Welcome to Alliance Chiropractic and Massage located in Watauga TX. Chiropractic is one of the most amazing healthcare professions, but very few people understand what it's all about. This article is here to help you gain a basic understanding of how our Watauga TX chiropractors can help.
We welcome you and your family. Spinal problems occur in all ages and are on the rise in children. We use a variety of treatment methods that are safe and comfortable even when you may be in pain.
Alliance Chiropractic and Massage
Our office has the latest therapeutic modalities including interferential current and modern chiropractic diagnostics, including x-ray. We also have advanced rehabilitation equipment, such as decompression, and administer rehabilitation therapy in our office.
Car Accidents and Personal Injuries
Car accidents can be one of the most frightening and confusing experiences that a person can go through. Often the first thing that a person is concerned about following an automobile accident is the damage to their vehicle or their insurance coverage. This results in them neglecting the most important part, which is their individual health. Seeking proper care in a timely fashion is the most vital aspect of determining the overall outcome of your condition.